Announcing ReclaimEDU: Your Campus in the Cloud

Ladies, gentlemen, and friends of all ages, today is a very big day! Why, you ask? Because today is the day we unveil our newest offering... ReclaimEDU!

Every school is unique, but one thing is universal: your website is vital to the work you do. Your campus's .edu homepage is core infrastructure, with three core needs: stability, security, and speed. And with the traffic and attention that homepage receives, there's no room to pick and choose two out of three.
ReclaimEDU is Reclaim's answer to the challenges that face these high-availability, high-performance .edu sites. With a decade's worth of experience hosting web infrastructure for higher ed institutions, we understand what's important, and we're ready to help our current partners host their campus .edu in the cloud.
In its simplest form, ReclaimEDU combines:
- multiregion hosting, offering synced copies of a site across multiple servers distributed in different geographic locations
- with CDN/ADN caching and load balancing, reducing latency and dynamically routing traffic based on location/connection/server health
to meet those core needs:
- Stability: DDoS protection keeps attacks from taking the server offline, and distributed copies of the site ensure failover and redundancy in case of emergency.
- Security: Web Access Firewall (WAF) blocks malicious traffic from ever reaching the server(s).
- Speed: Dynamic traffic routing creates a performance boost no matter where a visitor is located or how much traffic the site receives, while caching data in the cloud reduces latency to further increase speed.
For a few examples of ReclaimEDU in action, you can check out,, and itself.
And if you want to know more, you can check out the ReclaimEDU page on our site and watch Jim's stream this Friday at 10am ET on Reclaim TV.
We also have a Community Chat tomorrow at 12pm ET, Your Campus in the Cloud, where we want to hear from you about what challenges your school's faced. We promise, this isn't a pitch session – we'll be listening, not talking.