Be Kind. Rewind 2024

Join us for Reclaim’s Rewind 2024 to celebrate community, collaboration and our continued commitment to advocate for the open web in Higher Education and beyond. This December we are taking to the airwaves, our social channels, community forums and video calls to look back at the best of 2024.
Join us for activities highlighting the best bits from the past year, including case studies and lessons learned. It’s time to take a step back and reflect together on everything we have achieved in partnership with admin, faculty and students, to gather our strength and find some renewed inspiration before the new year starts.
Let’s Rewind 2024 together as you tune in and join the conversation. Here’s what’s in store:
Reclaim Rewind 2024: Live on Reclaim TV and Radio
December 6th
It’s a Reclaim TV and Radio Special - with the team from Reclaim. We have had quite a year and our team is coming live on air to share some of the best bits of 2024, the drama that shook the (edtech) world and how we have come out fighting the good fight for indie edtech on the other side.
Event info
Reclaim Rewind 2024: Live on Reclaim TV - Case study bonanza
December 13th
It may not yet be quite time for the holidays, but this is one cracking holiday special you don’t want to miss. Over the course of the year we have worked together with truly inspiring educators to tell their story of empowering students and staff using open edtech. This is a special bumper edition of goodness, bringing together all the case studies into one inspirational hour on Reclaim TV.
Event info
Community Chat: Rewind 2024
December 18th
For this final community chat of the year we are inviting ALL our special guests from 2024 to come together. You will hear updates of the exciting work happening across our community and have a chance to share your own highs and lows of 2024. This is our time to come together to say thank you and acknowledge and appreciate everyone who works in open edtech in Higher Education.
Event info
Reclaim Rewind 2024: Live on DS106 Radio. It’s the HOLIDAY SPECIAL
December 20th
We are inviting you to join us for the one and only edtech radio holiday special, featuring guests from the legendary DS106 Radio Summer Camp. There is going to be story telling, holiday tunes and, if you are very lucky, even a bit of festive KaraOERke. The elves are working hard on that one. So listen in and play along as we ROCK the airwaves and ring in the holidays.
Event info
If that wasn’t enough, look out for a festive edition of the Reclaim Roundup on December 20th, the Rewind 2024 to round off your year and see you into the holidays with GIF-tastic Season’s Greetings from everyone at Reclaim!