Blogging Community of Practice is GO!

Blogging Community of Practice is GO!

Since we launched our Blogging Community of Practice at the start of the year, things have been gaining momentum. This week was the second monthly meeting, with double the number of participants than our first one, so this feels like a good moment to share some updates:

New Members are joining every week

Each week since the launch of the community we have seen new members join us, either by signing up for an event, joining the social space on Discord or joining the conversation via the hashtag #blogging4life. Our aim is to offer as many options to get involved as possible, no matter where you are or how you prefer to engage.

Most importantly, blogging is happening across our growing community. For Members who are active in our Discord social space we offer the option to include their blog in a shared blog post RSS feed and... there've been 50+ new posts over the past month alone! And... elsewhere on the open web our hashtag #blogging4life is slowly gaining a little bit of traction and is helping Members who are not on Discord to tag and share their posts on their own domain and networks.

Next month, our community meet up will be hosted by our very own Taylor Jadin, and focus on trying out Ghost for blogging, as a choice for bloggers looking beyond Wordpress:

How to get started with Ghost for blogging – Reclaim Hosting Event Calendar
<p>Many bloggers are experimenting with platforms beyond Wordpress and right now Ghost is one of the most popular ones! Building on our successful flex course on Ghost, this session offers … </p>\n<p class=“link-more”><a href=“” class=“more-link”>Continue reading<span class=“screen-reader-text”> “How to get started with Ghost for blogging”</span></a></p>\n

Open Education Week activities

We also took part in  Open Education Week (OE Week) at the start of March, with a week of activities focused on sharing blogging tips and inspiration as well as collating open resources and contribute our own. We also took part in the Remixer Challenge, for which voting is open just now.

Keen to get involved? Here's how:

We have a dedicated channel set up in our Discord Community Space. This is a friendly social space where everyone is welcome and which is free to join.

Follow the hashtag #blogging4life on Mastodon and Bluesky, where you can also join our EdTech Bloggers starter pack. Subscribe to our blog to keep up to date with what’s happening, and check the calendar for upcoming events.

Our remix for Open Education Week

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