Coming Soon: PHP 8.3 on cPanel!

Coming Soon: PHP 8.3 on cPanel!

Coming up next week, Reclaim will begin rolling out PHP 8.3 across all cPanel servers. Once it's added to your server, you'll be able to select it as the preferred PHP version for a given site/domain using the MultiPHP Manager tool. This rollout will happen on Tuesday, August 20.

The current default version of PHP on our servers (called the "Inherit" version in MultiPHP Manager) is v8.0 – when you set up a new domain or subdomain, that's what'll be used unless you change it on purpose.

PHP 8.0 will continue to be the default version of PHP for the time being, so if you want to use PHP 8.3 on your site, you will need to choose that version yourself. We have a support guide on how to do this available here: Changing Your PHP Version in cPanel.

Note that certain PHP extensions, like ImageMagick/Imagick, may not have been updated for PHP 8.3 compatibility yet. When those updates become available, we will apply them. However, until that time, some applications that depend on those extensions, like WordPress, may not function as expected.

By default, your application should remain on its current version, so you should not experience any issues with extension compatibility unless you choose to switch to 8.3. If you are trying to run an application using PHP 8.3 and experiencing issues, we recommend switching to a lower PHP version in order to make sure the extensions you need are still compatible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Support.