PHP Updates for 2025

As part of our ongoing maintenance plan to keep Reclaim Hosting servers secure, we are updating the inherit/default PHP version for all servers on January 2, 2025
This was announced earlier this month. This maintenance will be happening on January 2, 2025 at 10:00 am ET.
As time goes on and versions change, we need to update our cPanel servers' default PHP versions and remove deprecated versions. The changes will affect Shared Hosting customers, as well as sites hosted on Domain of One's Own and Managed cPanel servers. Here are our upcoming plans for those changes over the course of the next year.
On January 2, 2025 we will be changing the default PHP version on all our cPanel servers, from PHP 8.0 to PHP 8.1. Only the default command-line PHP and sites set to "inherit" the PHP version will be impacted by this change; all other sites with a specified PHP version will remain using that PHP version.
If you are unsure which version of PHP your site is using, or whether your site is set to "inherit" the default version, you can always check and/or the version using the MultiPHP Manager tool in cPanel. Note that it is only possible to set PHP versions for domains or subdomains, not for subdirectories. If a site is installed on a subdirectory (eg,, it will use the PHP version set for its parent domain (in this case,
In preparation for this change, we recommend reviewing your site(s) to confirm that they will perform as expected with PHP 8.0 at minimum. PHP version changes can occasionally result in compatibility issues, and we recommend working directly with developers or finding alternative plugins, themes, etc. should issues occur. As a rule of thumb, Reclaim Hosting recommends using site tools that are up-to-date and compatible with the latest versions of PHP.
If you want to get ahead of this change, you may change your site/account PHP versions by following the guide linked above.
If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at