The "Newsletters with Ghost" Flex Course is Complete!

As of this week, we've officially wrapped up our most recent flex course, Newsletters with Ghost. If you were waiting until it was complete to check it out, now's a great time.
This is a free, beginner-friendly course designed to help users get started with the open-source newsletter/blogging platform Ghost. We'd recommend it for anyone who's:
- looking to move away from proprietary platforms like Substack (Ghost is free and open-source, so you can run it yourself and take it with you anywhere you want!)
- interested in a more streamlined experience than WordPress (Ghost has dedicated itself to the newsletter/blogging format, so it can focus on developing specific features really well instead of trying to be all things to all people!)
- starting their first newsletter or blog (Ghost's simple interface and robust documentation makes it easy to pick up, and our flex course can help you get oriented!)
The course consists of three video sessions, each one between 45 minutes and an hour. Each session comes with a blog post that puts the video alongside relevant resources and links, so you can follow along or refer back later, and all the blog posts are collected on the Reclaim EdTech website.
- Session one covers the why, introducing you to Ghost and the philosophies behind it behind it, and comparing/contrasting it to alternative platforms to help you get a feel for why you might want to use it.
- Session two covers the how, walking you through the process of setting up a Ghost instance on Reclaim Cloud and connecting Mailgun in order to make sure your posts get sent out correctly.
- Session three covers the what, giving you a tour of the Ghost interface and all its features so that you can add staff members and subscribers, customize the site look, create new posts, and more.
The course may be over, but the fun's not done. Give Ghost a try, follow along with each session, and come chat with us in our Discord if you have any questions or want to share your experience!