Reclaim's Roundup, 2/25

Welcome to our monthly news round up, packed with everything that's coming up, dates for the diary and important updates from the last month, all in one place.
News and Announcements
ReclaimEDU is growing
Since its launch last year, our ReclaimEDU service has continued to grow. Simply put, ReclaimEDU offers our higher education partners the option of hosting their campus .edu in the cloud. Over the past year, the potential has become clear and with institutions like Macalester and Trinity College, who trusted us to get them set up early on, we now have a growing service that's going from strength to strength.
Read the full post.
Get ready for Open Education Week 2025
We are proud to take part in OE Week 2025, March 3-7, 2025, and support Open Ed Bloggers everywhere. An annual celebration, Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide.
Register free now.

Events and Streams on Reclaim TV
Blogging on the Open Web: Open Education Week
March 3 - March 7
During Open Education Week join us on Discord to:
- share blogging tips and inspiration via the Discord channel;
- collate open resources and contribute our own;
- encourage everyone to share blog posts, what works for their blogging practice or what is stopping them from blogging.
Kin Lane and Jim Groom: Writing, Blogging and Life
March 14 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET - Free Registration
Join Kin Lane and Jim Groom on Reclaim TV as they take a deep dive into writing, AI and APIs. Kin Lane is a writer, storyteller, and forever recovering technologist. If you’ve heard of his name before, you probably know Kin as the API Evangelist, covering the technology, business, people, and policies of APIs. Kin lives in New York City with his wife Audrey, and Rottweiler Poppy, while continuing to make technology more transparent and visible via his stories, artifacts, and tooling published on API Evangelist.
Watch the stream over at Reclaim TV, or catch the recording later on or our YouTube channel!
How to get your blogging mojo back
March 19 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET - Free Registration
This month we are sharing tips and support to get (back) into blogging. Whether you are new to blogging or would like to develop your existing practice, this session will offer plenty of inspiration to get started. We’ll be discussing the most common factors that make it hard to blog regularly and how to overcome what’s standing in your way. This session will be led by Maren Deepwell. Read her post about this session.
Free Registration
Staff pick: AI Literacies for Open Educators: An Exploration
March 7 2025 @ 15:00 - 16:00 GMT
Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming education, bringing both opportunities and challenges for open educators. This interactive workshop, hosted by Dr Doug Belshaw and Dr Angela Gunder, explores a plurality of “AI Literacies” for understanding and applying AI within open education.
This event is hosted by We Are Open Co-op and Opened Culture as part of Open Education Week.

Recent Support and Service Updates
Contact us for help & support via our support portal.
Streamlining our payment processes
Managed Hosting and Domain of One's Own customers will notice some changes to their invoicing process in 2025. Find out more and what you need to do.
Updating our support documentation
Our team is working hard behind the scenes to keep our knowledge base updated. Check out recently updated articles:
The Month in Blog Posts and Staff Picks
It's been a busy month in blogging, inspired by our new community of practice, so dive in for your reading pleasure:
In the best tradition... Blogging about Blogging
- Audrey Watters on Writing by Jim Groom
- Blogging To Start Blogging Again by Meredith Huffman
- Fresh blogging inspiration by Maren Deepwell
- Why I'm excited about Ghost getting ActivityPub support by Taylor Jadin
Elsewhere in our blogosphere:
- Troubleshooting Madden 2001 YoloBox Streaming to 27″ CRT TV by Jim Groom
- Yeti Back from the Dead by Jim Groom
- My new alternate-timeline alt-smartphone toy by Taylor Jadin
- Big update to one of the easiest ways to emulate Windows 95 by Taylor Jadin
Staff pick: Impressive Hosting - Is A “Domain of One’s Own” the Future of Digital Identity in Higher Ed?
In this episode of Impressive Hosting, Jesse Friedman is joined by Jim Groom (Reclaim Hosting) and Ronnie Burt (Automattic) to explore the unique hosting challenges and opportunities in higher education. They discuss the power of WordPress Multisite, the importance of giving students their own digital space with “A Domain of One’s Own,” and the technical strategies for scaling university-wide hosting. From infrastructure surges during semester starts to the evolution of web literacy in academia, this episode investigates the space shared by higher education design and hosting, open-source, and the open web.
Keep connected
Don't forget to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Mastodon, Bluesky, X and YouTube.
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