December 2024: Mid Month Update

Welcome to your quick mid-month summary of all things important and upcoming across our community:
Changes to Shared Hosting from January 1st, 2025
Over the past ten years, our Shared Hosting Service has grown from a boutique offering for pioneering students and staff, to a powerful yet affordable package that thousands of customers have come to rely on. With that bigger scale also come much bigger risks, and behind the scenes our team of dedicated infrastructure and support specialists works tirelessly to ensure that your domains remain safe and secure. Building the kind of resilient and robust shared hosting infrastructure however requires a lot of resources and for 2025 we’ve had to make the difficult decision to pass at least some of the increases in our costs onto our clients. Find out what's changing.
Upcoming PHP Version Changes
As time goes on and versions change, we need to update our cPanel servers' default PHP versions and remove deprecated versions. The changes will affect Shared Hosting customers and sites hosted on Domain of One's Own and Managed cPanel servers. We've published plans for those changes for 2025.
Don't miss the Reclaim Roundup
Subscribe to our free monthly Roundup and don't miss out on the best GIF game on the open web (and yes, important service updates, security news and free events, too!). The Roundup is scheduled for 12/20, so don't miss out.

Community Chat: Rewind 2024
December 18th, 12-1pm ET
For this final community chat of the year we are inviting ALL our special guests from 2024 to come together. You will hear updates of the exciting work happening across our community and have a chance to share your own highs and lows of 2024. This is our time to come together to say thank you and acknowledge and appreciate everyone who works in open edtech in Higher Education.

Be Kind. Rewind 2024
Happening this month is Reclaim’s Rewind 2024 to celebrate community, collaboration, and our continued commitment to advocate for the open web in Higher Education and beyond. Join us for activities highlighting the best bits from the past year, including case studies and lessons learned. It’s time to take a step back and reflect together on everything we have achieved in partnership with admin, faculty and students, to gather our strength and find some renewed inspiration before the new year starts.
Let’s Rewind 2024 together as you tune in and join the conversation.

Reclaim TV Specials
This month, tune in to Reclaim.TV, live on Fridays at 10am ET:
- December 13 - Case study bonanza . It may not yet be quite time for the holidays, but this is one cracking holiday special you don’t want to miss. Over the course of the year we have worked together with truly inspiring educators to tell their story of empowering students and staff using open edtech.
- December 20 - Live on DS106 Radio. It’s the HOLIDAY SPECIAL . We are inviting you to join us for the one and only edtech radio holiday special, featuring guests from the legendary DS106 Radio Summer Camp. There is going to be story telling, holiday tunes and, if you are very lucky, even a bit of festive KaraOERke. The elves are working hard on that one. So listen in and play along as we ROCK the airwaves and ring in the holidays.
And while you're waiting for these streams to premiere, catch up on shows with Reclaim TV On Demand:
You can see the updated schedule at any time by checking out!