Mid-month updates: June 2024

Hello and welcome to your quick mid-month summary of all things important and upcoming across our community:
Announcements and blog posts
Registration and Call for Submissions now open! Our new summer event, the DS106 Radio Summer Camp, is now open for registration, speaker submissions and guest DJs. It's online conferencing... on the radio! So grab your headphones and join us in August for inspiration and practical know-how for the new academic year. It's free to attend and everyone is welcome. Register now.
Security PSA: Disk Usage Phishing Campaign: There continue to be an ongoing phishing campaign against Reclaim Hosting/Reclaim Hosting users. These phishing emails are disguised as legitimate cPanel disk usage reports. Check these important security reminders and if you receive one of these alerts, please do not click any links in the email and discard it. If you have any concerns, let us know at support@reclaimhosting.com.
Security PSA: TX-RAMP, NIST, and Compliance: We are excited to confirm that Reclaim Hosting is provisionally compliant with the TX-RAMP standard while pursuing full compliance. Read the full update on the blog.
Hot off the press: From passion project to web empire: A ReclaimPress case study. Read our newest case study featuring a look behind the scenes with Bryan Mather's, resources to help you get started with ReclaimPress and your invitation join the beta program today.
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Join this month's Community Chat: Blog Post Book Club – “Necessary FUD?”
Register now: June 19 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
It’s a blog post reading group, and YOU are invited! Give Tom Woodward’s recent post Necessary FUD? a read, then let’s talk about it. We’re interested in doing more discussions about blog posts or other thought-provoking writings on technology, education, and related topics. If you’ve got a suggestion for something to discuss next, or want to be part of leading the discussion, reach out to us on Discord or on the Community Forum!
Reclaim TV Guide
This month, tune in to Reclaim.TV, live on Fridays at 10am ET:
- June 14 - The Pain and Pleasure of Retro Computing with Windows 98
- June 21 - Marketing Reclaim Arcade with Tim (featuring special guest Tim Owens!)
- June 28 - A stream about how we run our streams
Catch up on Reclaim TV on demand:
- Stephen Downes talks about his experiences with the cloud (featuring special guest Stephen Downes!)

You can see the updated schedule at any time by checking out events.reclaimhosting.com!