Starting 2025

It's time to start the year in blogging here on our own domain and wish you all a happy new hosting year!
As we gear up for the start of another busy term, we also look ahead to what's on the horizon for 2025 and... there's a lot in store that's still under wraps. So watch this space in the coming weeks and months!
Stay up to date via our blog and follow us on Mastodon, Bluesky, X and YouTube.
Develop your institutional capability in 2025
We are committed to helping you make the most of open tools and infrastructure. We offer dedicated training for administrators, instructional designers and academic staff via virtual and in person training sessions supported by clear documentation and resources. Find out more and get in touch of you'd like to work with us to upskill your team or enhance your strategy.
Save the date: Reclaim TV: Knowledge Commons with a Special Guest from Michigan State University
The Knowledge Commons is the network for knowledge creators across the disciplines. You can use it to discover the latest open-access scholarship and teaching materials, make interdisciplinary connections, build a WordPress website, and increase the impact of your work by sharing it in the repository.
In this episode we are joined by special guest Larissa Babak from Michigan State University, learning about the network and taking a look behind the scenes of a change in repository platforms.
Save the date: January 24, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Register free .
Also, here's a quick reminder of news for this month:
Changes to Shared Hosting from January 1st, 2025
Over the past ten years, our Shared Hosting Service has grown from a boutique offering for pioneering students and staff, to a powerful yet affordable package that thousands of customers have come to rely on. With that bigger scale also come much bigger risks, and behind the scenes our team of dedicated infrastructure and support specialists works tirelessly to ensure that your domains remain safe and secure. Building the kind of resilient and robust shared hosting infrastructure however requires a lot of resources and for 2025 we’ve had to make the difficult decision to pass at least some of the increases in our costs onto our clients.
Find out what's changing.
Recent PHP Version Changes
As time goes on and versions change, we need to update our cPanel servers' default PHP versions and remove deprecated versions. The changes will affect Shared Hosting customers and sites hosted on Domain of One's Own and Managed cPanel servers. Here's an overview of the changes for 2025.
Happy New Year from everyone at Reclaim Hosting! Here's to 2025!