Welcome Justin Webb to Reclaim Hosting

It is with great excitement that we can announce that Justin Webb has joined Reclaim Hosting as a managing partner. Justin has been involved with Reclaim Hosting before it was even Reclaim Hosting, as he was the Chief Information Officer at the University of Mary Washington to green light the Domain of One’s Own pilot in 2012. Since that time he has run X1 Consulting, his own consultancy that serves a wide array of IT organizations and where Reclaim Hosting has been a very happy client. After taking Justin’s sound advice for more than seven years, we jumped at the opportunity for a tighter partnership that would allow us to bring on a leader who already knows our team, intimately understands our business, and has a broader view of the IT landscape.

Justin’s expertise will prove invaluable in helping us to continue to grow Reclaim sustainably, while at the same time freeing up some of the team’s time to worry about things other than finance and policy. Moreover, Justin’s focus on policy and security allows us to further buttress our company-wide push to become not only the company known for support, but also security! I hope you all will provide a warm welcome to Justin as he joins our team, and let him know the relief could not have come soon enough :)